Poeti contro un genocidio ignorato

Lettera aperta al Segretario Generale delle Nazioni Unite Ban Ki-moon, al Presidente della Commissione Europea José Manuel Barroso e al Presidente degli Stati Uniti Barack Obama da parte dei poeti di tutto il mondo

Egregi Signori,

Dopo più di un secolo di crimini sistematici come il genocidio, la schiavitù, gli abusi e le violenze sessuali, i crimini di guerra e le discriminazioni, essere Hazara appare ancora oggi un crimine in paesi come l’Afghanistan e il Pakistan. Solo Giovedì 10 Gennaio 2013, infatti, più di cento Hazara sono stati uccisi in un attacco terroristico nella città di Quetta, in Pakistan. In questi ultimi anni, più di mille persone appartenenti all’etnia Hazara sono state uccise in simili attacchi organizzati nello stesso paese.

Oggi, nella loro stessa terra, in Afghanistan, le persone appartenenti a quest’etnia non sono al sicuro. Ogni anno sono esposte agli attacchi dei Kuchi afghani che godono del supporto dei Talebani e del governo afghano. Le loro strade vengono bloccate da Talebani armati, le loro auto vengono fermate e i passeggeri uccisi. Nel centro dell’Afghanistan, dove una gran parte della popolazione Hazara è marginalizzata, non hanno nemmeno accesso a diritti basilari. Ancora oggi essi sono esposti agli attacchi dei Talebani. Il risultato è che circa un milione di Hazara sono fuggiti in numerosi paesi come rifugiati o richiedenti asilo, il più delle volte vivendo in terribili condizioni umane e psicologiche.

La popolazione indigena Hazara rappresentava circa il 67% della popolazione dell’Afghanistan prima del XIX Secolo. Nel corso di questo secolo hanno sofferto il genocidio e la schiavitù e sono stati obbligati con la violenza ad abbandonare le loro terre, situate nel sud del moderno Afghanistan. Più del 60% di questa popolazione venne uccisa e migliaia di loro furono venduti come schiavi.

L’intera storia del XX secolo in Afghanistan è stata contrassegnata dalle uccisioni e dalle discriminazioni nei confronti di questo popolo. Il 10 e 11 Febbraio 1993 in un’area di Kabul chiamata Afshar, il governo dei Mujaheddin e i suoi alleati massacrarono migliaia di donne, uomini e bambini di etnia Hazara. Nell’Agosto del 2008, inoltre, i Talebani uccisero più di 10 000 Hazara nella città di Mazar-i-Sharif. Simili massacri si diffusero velocemente anche in altre parti del paese. La distruzione di simboli e patrimoni artistici e culturali Hazara, nonché la creazione e diffusione di un falso percorso storico attribuito loro, sono state altre strategie adottate, oltre ai già sopracitati crimini, al fine di eliminare l’esistenza di quest’etnia.

Per esempio nel Marzo del 2001, come è noto, i Talebani distrussero le antiche statue di Buddha a Bamiyan, simboli della storia e della cultura Hazara, nonché uno dei capolavori più importanti del patrimonio dell’umanità. Tale è la storia di questi ultimi due secoli di crimini contro il popolo Hazara.

Per queste ragioni, noi poeti di tutto il mondo dichiariamo la nostra solidarietà al popolo Hazara e chiediamo ai leader di tutto il mondo di tenere in considerazione i seguenti punti al fine di assicurare la sicurezza e la salvaguardia del popolo e della cultura Hazara:

1. Dichiarare uno stato di emergenza riguardante la situazione degli Hazara autorizzato dalla Convenzione per la prevenzione e la repressione del crimine di genocidio.

2. Esercitare pressione sul governo dell’Afghanistan e sul governo del Pakistan, richiedendo la cessazione immediata degli atti di discriminazione contro gli Hazara, nonché la cessazione del loro supporto a gruppi terroristici.

3. Richiedere agli Stati parte della Convenzione sui rifugiati la protezione dei richiedenti asilo Hazara e la concessione del diritto d’asilo.

4. Istituire una Commissione internazionale di verità che indaghi sui crimini contro il popolo Hazara.

5. Aprire un’indagine presso le Corti e i Tribunali Internazionali come ad esempio la Corte Penale Internazionale.

6. Richiedere alle truppe internazionali presenti in Afghanistan di assicurare la sicurezza delle persone di etnia Hazara.

7. Richiedere ai media internazionali di riferire ed indagare sui crimini e le violenze contro il popolo Hazara in Pakistan e in Afghanistan.

I poeti di tutto il mondo

Firme con nome, posizione e paese:

• Fernando Rendón, Poet, editor and director of International Poetry Festival of Medellin (Colombia)
• Kamran Mir Hazar, Poet, journalist and webmaster (Afghanistan/Norway)
• Lello Voce, Poet (Italy)
• Gabriel Rosenstock, Poet (Éire/ Ireland)
• Irena Matijašević, Poet (Zagreb/ Croatia)
• Pitika Ntuli, Poet, writer and sculptor (South Africa)
• Dean Hapeta aka Te Kupu, Poet and musician ( Aotearoa, NZ)
• Dairena Ní Chinnéide, Poet (Ireland)
• Jack Hirschman, Poet (San Francisco in the United States)
• Agneta Falk, Poet (San Francisco in the United States)
• Janak Sapkota, Poet (Nepal)
• Boel Schenlaer, Poet (Sweden)
• Ershad Mazumder, Poet (Bangladesh)
• Alexander Gorsky, Poet, writer, journalist (Ukraine)
• William Masore, Poet (Kenya)
• K. Satchidanandan, Poet (India)
• Thór Stefánsson, Poet (Iceland)
• Hemant Divate, Poet, Editor, Publisher and Translator (Mumbai, India)
• Attila F. Balázs, Poet, editor, Publisher and Translator (Slovakia)
• AB-ART Publishing house (Bratislava, Slovakia)
• Enikoe Thiele, Poet, translator (Austria)
• Alireza Behnam, Poet and journalist (Iran)
• Mohammad Sharif Saiidi, Poet and journalist (Afghanistan/Sweden)
• Jüri Talvet, Poet (Estonia)
• Maggie Cleveland, Poet (Massachusetts, US)
• Julio Pavanetti, Poet, President of Liceo Poético de Benidorm (Uruguay/Spain)
• Angelina Llongueras, Poet, Barcelona (nowadays a member of the Revolutionary Poets Brigade in San Francisco, US)
• Amir Or, Poet and editor (Israel)
• Fahredin Shehu, Poet and Writer(Prishtina, Kosovo)
• Andrea Garbin, Poet (Mantova, Italy)
• Jean-Claude Awono, Teacher, editor and President of La Ronde des Poètes, Cameroon and Festival international de Poésie des Sept Collines de Yaoundé, Festi7 (Cameroun)
• George Grigore, Poet (Bucharest, Romania)
• Neeli Cherkovski, Poet (USA)
• J. K. Ihalainen, Poet and publisher (Finland)
• Hooman Azizi, Poet (Iran)
• Maryam Hooleh, Poet (Iran)
• Philip Hammial, Poet and sculptor (Australia)
• Rati Saxena- Poet, kritya international poetry festival (India)
• Bina Sarkar Ellias, Poet, editor, designer and publisher (Bombay/India)
• Mahmoud Abuhashhash , Poet (Palestine)
• Julia Kissina , Writer (Germany/Russia)
• Zelma White, Poet (Montserrat, B.W.I)
• Merlie Alunan, Poet, Essayist, Teacher of Literature (Philippines)
• Stanka Hrastelj, Poet and writer (Slovenia)
• Zingonia Zingone Poet (Italy)
• Erling Kittelsen, Poet (Norway)
• Tânia Tomé, Singer, Composer, Poet and Economist (Mozambique)
• Rashid Boudjedra, Poet, novelist, playwright and critic (Algeria)
• Ersi Sotiropoulos, Poet and novelist (Greece)
• Mohammad Azizi, Poet and journalist (Afghanistan)
• Emad Fouad, Poet and journalist (Egypt/ Belgium)
• Dr.Arif Ali Albayrak, Poet, Cartoonist, Painter and Music Composer (Cyprus/Turkey)
• Arturo Vázquez Sánchez, Poet (México)
• José Manuel Solá Gómez, Poet, Writer (Puerto Rico)
• Annabel Villar, Poet (Uruguay/Spain)
• Stephanos Stephanides, Poet, professor of literature (Cyprus)
• Peter Völker,Poet (Germany)
• José Francisco Mejía Ramírez, Poet and Writer (Honduras)
• Reza Heyrani, Poet (Iran)
• Hadi Hazara, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Nelly Elías de Benavente, Poet, Delegada de IALAYA – Instituto del libro Argentino y Americano (Argentina)
• Rahela Yar, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Werewere-Liking Gnepo, Poet and playwright and performer (Ivory Coast)
• Marjorie Evasco, Poet and Teacher of Literature (Philippines)
• Robert Max Steenkist, Poet, photographer and entrepeneur (Netherland/ Colombia)
• Joseph Mwantuali, Poet (Clinton, New York, USA)
• François Szabo, Poet (France)
• Gaston Bellemare D.h.c., C.M., O.Q. Président Festival International de la Poésie/ Fédération des festivals internationaux de poésie (Québec, Canada)
• Santiago B. Villafania, Poet (Philippines)
• Jacobo Rauskin, Poet (Asunción, Paraguay)
• Gertrude Fester, Poet and writer (South Africa)
• Howard Fergus, Poet (Montserrat West Indies)
• Prof.Dr.Sc. Ivan Djeparoski, Poet and philosopher (Skopje, R. Macedonia)
• Nancy Huston, Novelist and essayist (Canada)
• Elfriede Jelinek, Writer (Austria)
• Tozan Alkan, Poet and translator (Istanbul/Turkey)
• Euphrase Kezilahabi, Poet and novelist (Tanzania)
• Fernando Sabido Sánchez, Poet (Spain)
• Elyas Alavi, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Parwiz Kawa, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Dr.Homaira Nakhat Dastgirzada, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Dawood Hakimi, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Julieta Valero, Poet (Spain)
• Hatto Fischer, Philosopher, Poet und Co-ordinator of Poiein kai Prattein (Germany)
• Winston Morales Chavarro, Poet (Colombia)
• Al Hunter, Poet(Anishinaabe Nation, Canada)
• Siki Dlanga, Writer and poet (South Africa)
• Carey Lenehan, Poet and Writer for Peace (London, UK)
• Ernesto Carrión Poeta (Ecuador)
• Rira Abbasi, Poet, writer and director of International peace poetry festival (Iran)
• Mindy Zhang, Poet and translator (China-USA)
• Haroon Rahoon, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Samay Hamed, Poet (Afghanistan)
• S.Asrar Hamed Muqtader “Vesta”,Poet and Reporter (Afghanestan, presently Refugee in Turkey)
• Raihan Yousef ,Poet and Reporter (Afghanestan, presently Refugee in Turkey)
• Akwasi Aidoo, Poet (USA)
• Robin Ngangom, Poet, translator, teacher (India)
• Rafael Patiño Góez, Poet and translator (Colombia)
• Sonja Harter, Poet (Vienna, Austria)
• Parvaneh Torkamani, Poet and Social Worker (United States of America)
• Fathieh Saudi, Poet (Jordan/UK)
• Bengt Bertg, Poet and publisher (Sweden)
• Sigurdur Pálsson, poet, (Iceland)
• Tamer Öncül, Poet (Nicosia/Cyprus)
• Partaw Naderi, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Zeki Ali, Poet (Cyprus)
• Leopoldo Castilla, Poeta (Argentina)
• Rachel Tzvia Back, Poet (Israel)
• Michael Augustin, Poet & Festival Director (Germany)
• Mildred K Barya, Poet (Uganda)
• Nicole Cage, Poet (Martinique)
• Hafizullah Shariati, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Abotalib Mozaffari, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Saburullah Siasang, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Nawzar Ilyas, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Sam Hamill, Poet (USA)
• Galvarino Orellana, Poet, writer and Secretary General of “Frente Cultural Bolivariano Internacional” (Chile)
• Regina Dyck, Festival Director (Bremen, Germany)
• David Huerta, Poet (Mexico)
• Veronica Murguia, novelist (Mexico)
• Gahston Saint-Fleur,Poet, Writter and Executive Director of Foundation PROCULTURA/PROKILTI (Haiti)
• Miguel Aníbal Perdomo, Poet (Dominican Republic)
• Amiri Baraka, Poet (USA)
• Amina Baraka, Poet (USA)
• Charl-Pierre Naude, Poet (South Africa)
• Dunya Mikhail, Poet (Iraq)
• Bei Dao, Poet (China)
• Agus R. Sarjono, Poet & Editor in Chief Journal of Criticism (Indonesia)
• Nuno Júdice, Poet (Portugal)
• Birgitta Jonsdottir, Poetician, Member of the Icelandic Parliament for the Movement & chairperson of the International Modern Media Institution (Iceland)
• Reza Baraheni, Novelist, poet, critic, and political activist (Iran)
• Peter Curman, Poet (Sweden)
• Lyerka Bonanno, Poeta (Venezuela)
• Grace R. Monte de Ramos, Poet (Philippines)
• Geoffrey Philp, Poet, novelist, and playwright (Jamaica, West Indies)
• BINYOU-BI-HOMB Marius Yannick, Poet (Cameroon)
• Noria Adel, Poet, writer and visual artist (Algiers, Algeria)
• Shakor Nazari, Poet, Editor, Head of Afghanistan Literature House In Kabul and Member of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) (Afghanistan)
• Tsead Bruinja, Poet (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
• Bernard Noël, Poet (France)
• Lic. Gerardo Paz Delgado, Poet, Secretario Nacional por Uruguay del Movimiento Internacional Poetas del Mundo. (Uruguay)
• Christian Salmon, essayist and ex director of the International Parliament of Writers, (France)
• Mark Lipman, Poet (USA)
• Chirag Bangdel, Poet, artist and writer (Nepal)
• Zolani Mkiva, Poet (South Africa)
• Elena Armenescu, Poet (Romania)
• D.M. Reyes, Poet and Literature Teacher (Philippines)
• Tom Egeland, Author and critic (Norway)
• Hildebrando Pérez Grande, Poet, Premio de Poesía Casa de las Américas (Peru)
• Rodolfo Dada, Poet (Costa Rica)
• Jean Portante, Poet, novelist (Luxembourg/France)
• Gonzalo Márquez Cristo, Poeta (Colombia)
• Antonio Correa Losada, Poeta (Colombia)
• Amparo Osorio, Poeta (Colombia)
• Héctor Rosales, Poet (Uruguay/España)
• Anthony L. Tan, Poet, fictionist, essayist, and teacher of literature (Philippines)
• Myriam Montoya, Poet (Colombia/ France)
• Jim Byron, musician (USA)
• Carlos Piera, Writer (Spain)
• Camila Charry Noriega, Poet (Colombia)
• Harold Trujillo Torres, Caricaturista de opinión periódico El Espectador (Colombia)
• Lucia Ortiz Corredor, Poet (Colombia)
• Julio César Goyes Narváez, Poet (Colombia)
• Julio César Goyes Narváez, Poet/ IECO-Instituto de Estudios en Comunicación y Cultura/ Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Colombia)
• Alonso Sáenz M., Promotor de Lectura (Colombia)
• Carmen Calatayud, Poet and nonfiction writer (USA)
• Eduardo Emilio Esparza, Artista Plastico (Colombia)
• Canéla A. Jaramillo, Poet, Author, Editor (United States)
• Claribel Alegría, Poet, essayist, novelist, and journalist (Nicaragua)
• Jill Schoolman, Publisher (USA)
• Marco Antonio Campos, Poet (Mexico)
• Marion Bethel, Poet (Bahamas)
• Eleonora Parachini, Artista, (Colombia)
• Juan Carlos Mestre, Poet and writer (Spain)
• Ostap Nožak, writer and translator (Ukraine)
• Stephane Chaumet, Poet (France)
• Lic. Gerardo Paz Delgado, Poet, Secretario Nacional por Uruguay del Movimiento Internacional Poetas del Mundo. (Uruguay)
• Julian Hector Gutierrez, Poet and writer (Colombia)
• Francisco Sánchez Jiménez, Writer (Colombia)
• Fredy Yezzed, Writer (Colombia/ Argentina)
• Eusebio Sánchez Clavijo, Writer (Colombia)
• Jose Yezid Morales, Poet and Painter (Colombia)
• Helena Iriarte, Novelista y profesora universitaria de literatura (Colombia)
• Paul Disnrad, Poet (Colombia/ Serbia)
• Paul Dutton, Poet, Fiction Writer, Essayist and Musician (Canada)
• Coral Bracho, Poeta (México)
• Fanny Moreno Ospina, poeta (colombiana)
• Martha Ennix, Artista plástica (colombiana)
• Víctor López Rache Poeta y ensayista (Colombia)
• María LeMarie, Writer and painter (Colombia)
• Bassem Al Meraiby, Poet (Iraq- Sweden)
• Manuel Pachón, Poeta y Maestro (Colombiano)
• Maruja Vieira, Poet and journalist (Colombia)
• Juan Carlos Acevedo Ramos, Poet (Colombia)
• Roberta J. Hill, poet and writer, (Oneida) (Madison, Wisconsin in the U. S.)
• Dieudonné Ewomsan, Poet (Togo)
• Carlos Fajardo Fajardo, Poet (Colombia)
• Qassim Haddad, Poet (Bahrain)
• Neeli Cherkovski, Poet (USA)
• Fabio Martinez, Escritor (Colombia)
• Morela Maneiro, Poet (Venezuela)
• Sayed Hegab, Poet (Egypt)
• Zoran Anchevski, poet, translator, professor of literature (Macedonia)
• Liv Lundberg, Poet, Writer, Professor (Norway)
• Pia Tafdrup, Poet and Writer (Denmark)
• Micere Githae Mugo , Poet, Playwright, Scholar and Activist (Kenya)
• Angye Gaona, Poeta (Colombia)
• Allison Hedge Coke, Poet and writer (US)
• Matthew Shenoda, Poet (USA/Egypt)
• Chiqui Vicioso, Poet (Dominican Republic)
• Aref Pejman, Poet, Author, and Associate Professor (Afghanistan)
• Fredy Chikangana, Poeta y Escritor Quechua Yanakuna Mitmak (Colombia)
• Ramiz Rovshan, Poet and writer (Azerbaijan)
• Liam Ó Muirthile, Poet (Ireland)
• Nguyen Quang Thieu, Poet (Vietnam)
• Andrei Khadanovich, poet (Belarus)
• Alberto Nessi, poeta e scrittore (Switzerland)
• Hermes Vargas. Poeta (Spain)
• Chris Abani, Poet and writer (Nigeria/USA)
• Abdourahman WABERI, Poet (Djibouti)
• Beppe Costa, poet, novelist and publisher (Italy)
• Stefania Battistella, Poet (Italy)
• Senem Gökel, Poet, researcher, instructor (Cyprus)
• Ingrid Wickström, Poet and translater (Sweden)
• Priya Sarukkai Chabria, Poet, writer and translator (India)
• Homero Aridjis, Poet and novelist, President Emeritus of PEN International (Mexico)
• Gemino H. Abad, Poet, professor emeritus of literature and creative writing (Philippines)
• Vasyl Makhno, Poet (Ukraine/USA)
• Vincent O’Sullivan, Poet (New Zealand)
• Joy Harjo, Poet and musician (Mvskoke Nation, USA)
• Gioconda Belli, Poet and novelist (Nicaragua)
• Francisco de Asís Fernández, Poet and President of the International Poetry Festival, Nicaragua (Nicaragua)
• Gloria Gabuardi, Poet (Nicaragua)
• Alexandra Büchler, Director of Literature Across Frontiers (Czech Republic/UK)
• Nora Atalla, poète, romancière et nouvelliste (Québec, Canada)
• Moya Cannon, Poet (Irland)
• Michèle Blanchet, poète de Québec (Canada)
• Nyein Way, Poet, Performance artist and educator (Myanmar)
• Max.N.RIPPON poet (Marie-Galante, Guadeloupe)
• Omar Pérez, Poet, writer and translator (Cuba)
• Jared Angira, Poet (Kenya)
• Rashidah Ismaili, Poet (Benin)
• Raquel Chalfi, Poet and writer (Israel)
• Blanca Andreu, Poet (Spain)
• Michaël Glück, Poet (France)
• Stefaan van den Bremt, Poet and Honorary chairman of PEN FLANDERS (Flanders, Belgium)
• Jan Owen, Writer (Australia)
• Vyacheslav Kupriyanov, Poet (Russia)
• Geneviève Morin, Poet (Québec, Canada)
• Yiorgos Chouliaras, Poet (Greece)
• Quito Nicolaas, Writer/Poet (The Netherlands)
• Simón Zavala Guzmán, Poeta y ensayista (Ecuador)
• Timo Berger, Poet and publisher (Germany)
• Ceaití Ní Bheildiúin, Poet (Ireland)
• Jean Clarence Lambert, Poet, translator, essayist and art critic (France)
• Antonio Preciado, Poeta (ecuatoriano)
• Manal Al-Sheikh, Poet and writer (Iraq/ Norway)
• Yasin Khamosh, Poet and journalist (Afghanistan)
• Valeriu Stancu, Poet, novelist and translator (Romania)
• Aju Mukhopadhyay, Poet, essayist, feature and fiction writer (India)
• GILMA DE LOS RÍOS TOBÓN, Poeta y periodista (Colombia)
Poeti Inediti:
• Mir Hussain Mahdavi, Exiled freelance writer and poet (Afghanistan)
• Leila Malekmohammadi, Poet and journalist (Iran/ Norway)
• Sultan Haidari, Journalist and poet (Afghanistan)
• Ali Hazara, Poet and movie maker (Afghanistan)
• Hossein Pooya, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Sakhi dad Hatef, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Maryam Turkmani, Poet (Afghanistan)
• Razi Mohebi, Poet and movie maker (Afghanistan)
• Fereshta Ziai, Poet, pedagog and youth mentor (Afghanistan/Sweden)
• Laila Haidari, Poet and director of Life is Beautiful Organization (Afghanistan)

1: Copia ai Media Internazionali
2: Per maggiori informazioni contattare Kamran Mir Hazar all’indirizzo email: kamran@kamranmirhazar.com
cell phone +47.96666769
Skype: kamran.mmir.hazar
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KamranPoetry

Paesi: Colombia, Norway, Italy, Ireland, Croatia, South Africa, NZ, United States, Nepal, Sweden, Bangladesh, Ukraine, Kenya, India, Slovakia, Austria, Iran, Sweden, Estonia, Spain, Uruguay, Israel, Kosovo, Cameroun, Romania, Finland, Australia, Palestine, Russia, Germany, B.W.I, Philippines, Mozambique, Algeria, Greece, Afghanistan, Belgium, Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus, México, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Argentina, Ivory Coast, France, Canada, Paraguay, West Indies, Macedonia, Tanzania, UK, Ecuador, China, Uganda, Martinique, Chile, Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Iraq, Indonesia, Portugal, Iceland, The Netherlands, Peru, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Bahamas, Ukraine, Argentina, Serbia, Togo, Bahrain, Venezuela, Macedonia, Denmark, Kenya, Dominican Republic, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Switzerland, Nigeria, Djibouti, Czech Republic, Myanmar and Cuba.

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